Missing Alert

UI/UX lead-consulting, usability testing

The project was the winning project of internal Cosmote Hackathon, which our team took over to develop. The project is a mobile app for tracking people that are missing. It is developed in collaboration with the NGO "The Smile of The Child" and the mobile agency "Simple Apps".

My role in the project is stakeholder management and UX/UI consulting. I have successfully lead the design phase through multiple iterations and testing using rapid prototyping techniques and different usability testing methods such as interviews from stakeholders, internal survey, A/B testing, five second testing, analysing user flows and setting missions through remote testing.

For the purpose of prototyping I used Marvel, Figma and AdobeXD. Testing was conducted through Useberry and Usability hub platforms.

Missing Alert App - What is it

Missing Alert App - Prototyping

Missing Alert App - User journey